Its really quite difficult to write/update a blog if one has sworn that he will not talk about his personal life, friends or other related topics.
Every time I am away from the computer, my head is swarming with a million topics to write about, but as soon as I open up my editor, I am left gaping at the screen. At least now I can appreciate the hard work and creativity which goes into writing. It really is quite a job to write well and at the same time have the reader coming back for more. The reader in this case being a total stranger and not one’s friend or colleague who will check your blog by default.
Maybe I should have paid more attention and concentrated more in my school days during writing classes, but then I recall reading somewhere that its never too late. I know it is hackneyed and a cliché but I firmly believe, it IS possible to learn a new skill, or rather any skill, at any age and be moderately successful too, provided one stays at it. Ok, agreed its not that simple but it can be done.
So taking inspiration from trail blazers before me, I have finally decided to embark on a new voyage. I have decided to learn German. Why German? I just love the sound of it or maybe, it could be the fact that once upon a time, aeon's ago I had a German pen pal and she happened to be a girl. :-) Some of sentences which I asked her, and which she dutifully taught me, were translations for sentences like “Where is the bathroom?”, “Run, Police Run”, and the ubiquitous “I love you” - no wonder she stopped communicating with me after a while. Which girl in her right senses would? What guys or rather I did'nt understand is that girls want romance and not some neanderthal asking translations of gross sentences like “wheres the loo…” ( I still haven’t learnt my lesson though and still say dorkiest of things. )